American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
General Membership Meeting Minutes
June 29, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Doug Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook, Finance Officer: Bill Jennings, Service Officer: Absent, Historian: Phil Merriweather
Attendees: Garry Branstetter, Donna Harrington, Carla Perea, Jennifer Swanson, Paula Abeyta, Robert Abeyta, Angie Fitzgerald, JoJo Powers, Rose Williamson, Lisa Wilcox, James Scarbough,
Guests: Erika Lohr, Katia Baltier


Meeting called to order at 12:02

Hand salute

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer - Chaplain

Meeting minutes: Motion to accept meeting minutes from May as posted on the website, Doug motioned, Paula seconded, motion carried and minutes accepted

Finance report read, Motion made to accept the finance report as read was made by Ron and seconded by Paula, motion carried, report approved

Membership report read, Bill motioned to approve and Paula seconded, report approved by all members

Commander introduced guests from Trujillo Funeral Home:

First Vice:

Second Vice:

Americanism team - nothing


Service Officer - Absent

Old Business - none

New Business:

For the Good of the Order - Flag retirement will need to be scheduled in early Augus

Chaplain - Closing Prayer

Joe motioned to adjourn and Jim seconded, motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 13:01