American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
General Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Absent, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald, Chaplain: absent, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook, Finance Officer: Bill Jennings, Service Officer: Absent
Attendees: Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Garry Branstetter, Robert Wayne, Bill Harrington, Robert Abeyta, James Wayne, Carol Upham, Jennifer Swanson, Carla Abbate, Jay Wilcox, Phil Merriweather, Tom Schubert, Bill Koppenhauer, JoJo Powers (ALA), Harry Combs, Robert Chase Sr, Dennis Yanch, Mike Bates, Tom Schubert, Robert Wayne
Guests: None


Meeting called to order - 11:06


OWW empty chair ceremony

Roll call

Motion to accept minutes as read made by Bill H. seconded by Bill J. Motion carried

Finance report read:



1st Vice Report:

2nd Vice Report:

Flag Day June 14 @ 1800:

The Post may have a Beautification day - more discussion to follow.

Chaplain absent

Service officer absent

Unfinished Business:


Americanism Committee:

Kim proposed having an Honor Guard here at the post. Post does only have 2 rifles. Bill J said we did have rifles that were lost in previous years. Currently, if someone wants a 21 guns salute we refer to Post 49. Howie said "Gunnie" would be willing to help. Howie says he knows of an organization that will get rifles. Can requisition for free. Movie Nights - Friday Nights can be a profit. We would need to get the word out to people that we are having movie nights.

Howie stated that we are doing a disservice to the Post with the cost of the Hall Rentals. Howie feels the cost should be less to rent the hall. He will be donating food and and has donated equipment to the kitchen. He is not happy with how the suggestions have to go to the board if someone wants to donate. He feels if it is his money, and he should be able to donate how and when he wants.

For the Good of the Order - none

Hand Salute

OWW empty chair


Meeting adjourned at 12:10