American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
General Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook, Finance Officer: Absent, Service Officer: Absent
Attendees: Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Garry Branstetter, Robert Wayne, Bill Harrington, Robert Abeyta, James Wayne, Carol Upham, Jennifer Swanson, Carla Abbate, Jay Wilcox, Phil Merriweather, Tom Schubert, Bill Koppenhauer, JoJo Powers (ALA), Rose Williamson, Harry Combs, Robert Chase Sr, Dennis Yanch, Mike Bates, Tom Schubert, Robert Wayne, Benny Lebeau, Denis Porter, Paul Goden,
Guests: Anna Marie and her son Isaac



OWW empty chair ceremony

Roll call

1310 meeting called to order

Meeting minutes from the March meeting were read

Motion to accept the meeting minutes as read was made by Doug seconded by Bill motion carried, minutes accepted.

Guest Anna Marie and her son Isaac, who is a professional race car driver, is asking to partner with the Post. Isaac's parents are Veterans. The season starts in June, and they are racing across the country. Commander stated he will investigate whether we can have him put our Post name on the car since the American Legion has an Indy car.

The Finance officer is absent, Ron read the report. The first vice reported that the food items are going well. Kim motioned to approve the report and Carla seconded, finance report accepted.

Ron also read the membership report. We rank #10 in the state we are at 102% 593 total members. 41 SAL member.

First Vice no report

Second Vice stated that the Cinco de mayo event will be held on Quattro de mayo. Food at 5pm, $10 to enter corn hole competition. They will have pinatas, a DJ/karaoke, and fajita bar ($15).

June 23rd community event will be a kid's carnival. We will rent from the Base any items we need.

May 31st the Post will have a band. The decision to have a cover charge is still pending.

House committee will be installing lighting in the game room, painting the room, doing the flooring, and expanding the entrance. A quote on the cost for the mini splits was received.

Chaplain stated to keep Mary's family in our Prayers, her mother passed away. There is a card at the bar for everyone to sign.

Service officer absent

Unfinished business: RV spots boxes will be installed on Monday and includes hookups and a throw switch

New business

For the good of the order

Results from the vote for Trustees:

Hand salute

OWW empty chair


Meeting adjourned 1359