American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
General Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Absent, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook
Attendees: Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Garry Branstetter, Robert Wayne, Bill Jennings, Jim Hay, Bill Harrington, Robert Abeyta, James Wayne, Carol Upham, Jennifer Swanson, Jerry Colclasure, Gina Colclasure, Jay Wilcox, Lee Stephens, Phil Merriweather, Tom Schubert, Bill Koppenhauer, Angie Fitzgerald, George Gomez Jr., Jesse Zimmer, Pamela Bates, Michael Bates, Eydi Murphy, Robert Charn, JoJo Powers (ALA)
Guests: Kevin Branch (Vice Commander), Steven Vigil, Amos Carter, Rose Williamson


Meeting called to order - 11:03

Hand salute

Prayer - Chaplain

Preamble to the constitution was read

Commander roll call

Sgt. At Arms introduced guests - new members SAL - sign ups for new SAL members

Finance report was read by Bill Jennings. Motion made by Paula and seconded by Doug, motion carried and report accepted.

Membership report was read by Bill Jennings. Goal membership is 579 and we have 531 signed up. We need 48 more to renew dues as of February 2024.

Warriors serving warriors presented a plaque to thank Post 118 and the American Legion Riders Chapter 24 for our support. The flags for POW and the American flags were given to the Warriors serving Warriors organization. The guest presenter decided to join Post 118 as a new member.

Second vice: absent

Commander stated that there will be a breakfast on March 23rd and that Saturday breakfasts will be offered at the Post twice a month. The Post is trying to alternate breakfasts with the Elks and the VFW.

First Vice:

House comittee:

Unfinished business:


New business:

All members were given the chance to nominate for the following positions:

Members were given the chance to nominate people for Trustee. The following were nominated and accepted the nomination:

Voting for Trustees will take place at next months meeting. Installation will take place in May. All trustees nominated must attend the next meeting and bring their current membership card for post 118 to get a ballot.

Reminder: If you have a 2024 membership card you can go online and pay for 2025, 2026 before June 30th $40 for all 3 years. Go to and hit the renew button on the top.

There will be 8 people on the ballot for trustees. The top 3 out of the 8 will win the Trustee position. This is a 2-year term. On the ballot you can only vote for 3 people out of the 8.

April 20th will be the next Executive and General meetings. See adjusted meeting schedule below:

Unfinished business - none

For the Good of the Order - Chaplain suggested an Easter egg hunt for the kids on March 30th.

Chaplain: Closing Prayer

Meeting adjourned at 11:43