American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
General Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald II, Chaplain: Absent, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook
Attendees: Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Garry Branstetter, Robert Wayne, Bill Jennings, Jim Hay, Bill Harrington, Robert Abeyta, James Wayne, Carol Upham, Jennifer Swanson, Jerry Colclasure, Gina Colclasure, Jay Wilcox, D. Williams, JoJo Powers (ALA)
Guests: Kevin Branch, Rose Williamson


Meeting called to order - 11:09

Hand salute

Prayer: Bill Jennings

Preamble to the constitution was read

Sgt. At Arms introduced guest Kevin Branch, Sons of the American Legion Vice Commander. Kevin requested help with membership and suggested that people can hold dual memberships. The cost to join the SAL is $15

Finance report was read by Bill Jennings. Motion made by Carl to approve, seconded by Doug, motion carried to accept.

Membership report was read by Bill Jennings. We are #11 with a goal of 579 members, we now have 502 with 77 delinquent members.

Second Vice:

House committee:

The Service officer said he is available and does volunteer with a law firm. This law firm does not charge. They work with cancers etc. for veterans. His business cards are behind the bar

Unfinished business:

Commander reported on the mid-winter conference. "Be the One". A Patron at the conference commented on Post 118 in a positive manner. The National Commander's visit went well.

Bill Jennings was nominated for Department Commander for New Mexico. The Executive Committee endorsed Bill Jennings.

New business:

For the Good of the Order - none

Chaplain: Closing Prayer

Meeting adjourned at 11:47