American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
General Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald II, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook
Attendees: Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Garry Branstetter, Robert Wayne, Bill Jennings, Jim Hay, Bill Harrington, Angie Fitzgerald, Lee Stephens, Dennis Yancy, Robert Thye, James Wayne, Carla Perea, Jennifer Swanson, Jerry Colclasure, Gina Colclasure, Jay Wilcox
Guests: Rose Williamson


Meeting called to order - 11:13

Hand salute

Prayer - Chaplain

Preamble to the constitution

Motion made by Lee to accept meeting minutes as read, Carl seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Bill stated that the financial report will run from the first of the month to the last day of the month starting in January.

Motion made by Carl to accept the financial report as read, Doug seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Membership report was read. We are in the 15th spot for all posts in NM. We are at 85%. Dues will increase in July. If you have your 2024 card you can pay for the next 3 years @ $40 after July 1st it will be $50 a year. Dues increase $10 a year.

Sgt at arms reported no guests present

First Vice:

Second Vice:

Jim reported from the housing committee that there will be 2 rv spot hook ups in back parking lot. This could be used for state meeting attendees etc. Jim will donate the cost of the hook ups to the post so there will be no cost involved. Permission from the post is needed and we will turn the power on only if the guests are approved. We will be the only post in the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho area that has hook ups. At some point we may charge a small fee for the hook up.

Kim thanked all who helped to refinish the bar!

New business:

Old business: none

Unfinished business - none

For the Good of the Order - none

Meeting adjourned at 12:02