American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
General Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2023
Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald II,
Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook
Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Garry Branstetter,
Robert Wayne, Bill Jennings, Jim Hay, Bill Harrington, Angie Fitzgerald, Lee Stephens
Rose Williamson
Meeting called to order - 11:07
Prayer - Chaplain
Preamble to the constitution was read
Motion made by Bill to accept meeting minutes as posted on the web,
Ron seconded, all in favor, motion carried
Motion made by Ron to accept the financial report as read, Doug seconded,
all in favor, motion carried
Membership report was read. Members have the option to pay the 3 year
(come out to $40 a year) or the yearly ($50 for 1 year)
First Vice:
Requested to increase the pay for the lead bartender, Lisa, from $10
an hour to $12 an hour
As of January 1, 2024, drink chips will no longer be accepted unless
they are the red or blue (signs are posted regarding this change).
Post is losing money on the old chips since they can be bought at
the store. Chips may be exchanged or used prior to January 1st.
Requested to raise drink charges for hall rental special events only.
$1 more a drink. $1 for soda (well soda is bottomless), can of soda
will be $1 a can.
Christmas day post will be open for potluck from 12 – 8
Second Vice:
Ugly sweater karaoke tonight
Super bowl party pot luck flyers are being circulated
Possible rib cook off in summer of 2024
New Year’s Eve plans are pending
We are looking at having a band play at the post in 2024
New business:
Roof repairs need to be done asap. Contractor is coming to meet
with members of the post on Saturday morning
The bylaws are on the front table for members to review. If changes
are needed please contact Robert Abeyta via email
All suggestions will be accepted/reviewed at the January meeting.
Updated bylaws will be implemented in the February 2024 meeting.
The Bugler, the Post newspaper, will be published again now that we
have a volunteer chief editor. The Bugler will be online and will
also be printed and distributed at the Post. There will be more
information shared at the January general meeting
Welcome new officers – Robert Abeyta (Judge Advocate), Mayra Heil
(Adjutant), Jim Hay (House Committee Chair)
Bingo will be starting up again (could be as early as February 2024).
We will start with one day a week, we will need a caller, alternate
manager and a cashier.
Old business:
Floor cleaning done, will do better in future. New wax was purchased
for future use that will last longer. Will do hall and kitchen.
Restaurant depot sells commercial kitchen items and we may be able to obtain
a day pass to shop there. Membership is free. Carl willing to look into getting
a membership.
Bill Jennings encouraged members to let people that they know who are veterans
to come to the post and sign up. We had three new members sign last night.
Bill stated that WellCare will be visiting posts in our area and that they are
endorsed by the American legion.
The Finance committee is being formed. Angie Fitzgerald is on the committee
and two more members were asked to join, waiting for responses.
The Post does have a bookkeeper and a public accountant to oversee financials.
Unfinished business - none
For the Good of the Order - none
Ron made a motion to adjourn, Bill second, motion carried
Meeting adjourned at 11:31