American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
June 29, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald II, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook
Trustees: Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Robert Abeyta, Angie Fitzgerald, Bill Harrington
Members: Bill Jennings, Phil Merriweather, Donna Harrington, JoJo Powers (ALA)


Meeting called to order - 11:00

Hand salute

First Vice:

Pledge of allegiance was recited by the members.

Chaplain Kim S. gave a prayer over the meeting

Commander Swanson Called the meeting to order, roll call of officers was called for Commander Swanson, Vice Commander Doug Williamson, 2nd Vice Carl Fitzgerald, Chaplain Kim Schnepper, Robert Abeyta Trustee, Paula Abeyta Trustee, Phil Merriweather Trustee, Bill Harrington Trustee, Ron Szych Trustee, Angie Fitzgerald Trustee, Joe Cook Sgt at Arms

Commander requested reading of the minutes but then a motion was called for by the commander for all to read the minutes on the website, seconded by Doug no discussion, voted by raising hand and passed.

Request by the commander to the Sgt at Arms if there were any guests. Reply not till later.

Call for committee reports

Finance Officer gave the report on finances (See report for specific)

Kim requested information on the Bingo account, Bill replied that it was within the totals of the General Fund. A request was made by Bill Harrington to accept the finance report seconded by Doug. The Commander called for a vote, and it was accepted.

Membership Officer report

NM 18th out of 55 nationally, 2nd largest post only beat by Post 49, Post 118 is at 624 registered members. Today and tomorrow are the last days to get 3 years at $40/yr., then it goes to $50/yr. Go online to to take advantage of the $40/yr. offer. Ron had a question on how long Bill has maintained 100% membership numbers. Bill replied 7 years, the entire time he has been the membership officer. Ron congratulated Bill, and e board joined in to congratulate Bill for the accomplishment. Bill stated we are trying for the number one spot and are currently in 2nd for National recognition. When he attends the national meeting in New Orleans, he is pushing to win the 1st place trophy to bring back to the post. Discussion on the SAL membership, SAL membership is rated 32 in the world per Bill.

2nd Vice Report

June 30 is family day event in the back, needs help running the event and is asking for board to arrive at 10am to set up stations. The event is from 2pm to 6pm. He is expecting a good crowd and needs volunteers. July 4th will be a pot luck event, he will not be in town the day, and not sure who will be running it.

Sick Call Report

George Tafoya passed away, Donna Harrington is recovering well, Robert Abeyta is recovering well. Andrew and Jen - Jens mom had to go to rehab for an injury and Andrews mom had issues with her pacemaker but is having surgery for that (keep them in our prayers).

Guest from Trujillo Funeral Home were introduced

Erica and Katia from Trujillo gave a short talk about services they provide to veterans, handing out flyers. The Commander invited them to return for the General Meeting to present the information to those that attend. The board thanked them for their information.

Unfinished Business


New Business

Request by Commander for audit of finances was made, motion carried, Angie and Shelly to head up audit committee.

Game room drywall and texturing is happening and help is needed. Contractor to give guidance on texture and will paint for free. Anyone wanting to help, talk to Doug or Joe.

Concern about the bar hours was discussed, no resolution was discussed. Tabled for further discussion.


For the Good of the Order - None

Chaplain - Closing Prayer

Adjourned meeting at 11:45