American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Absent, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook, Service Officer: absent, Finance Officer: Bill Jennings, Chaplain: absent
Trustees: Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Robert Abeyta, Bill Harrington
Members: Garry Branstetter, Phil Merriweather, Donna Harrington, Jay Wilcox
Guest: Jessie Zimmer and Michael Allen


Meeting called to order - 10:07

Hand salute



OWW Empty Chair

Motion to accept April minutes as read. Bill H. motioned, Bill J. seconded, minutes accepted.



First vice report:

Second vice report:

May 31st Band 7-10 $300 ALR is not doing Dinner. Pulled pork with fixings from 5-7pm. No cost for cover charge for band (this may change depending on member attendance).

Flag Day June 14 @ 1800. The Post may start cutting out stars and presenting them to members with a card about flag day as they have done in the past.

June 23 @1400. Family Day (Kids Carnival) Will have dunk tank, test of strength, face painting, cotton candy & popcorn.

Request was made for fundraising ideas to maintain the Entertainment Committee's budget.


Housing committee:

Service officer:

Unfinished business - None

Attending Roswell: Bill J., Scott S, Jen S


Ron brings an allegation about Commander Scott Swanson having rewritten contracts for all the hall rentals. Ron starts a heated discussion regarding the contracts. Ron stated that as a previous commander any contract he made should be honored by the current commander. Scott responded that this was not the case. The only contract that was discussed with Angie Fitzgerald, the person in charge of hall rentals, was one that had Auxiliary Membership Pending. The person in question had since February 2024 to join and she will need to either complete the membership process or come in and re-do a contract with normal pricing not member pricing. The client came in and completed membership requirement. In working on this contract it was found that many previous contracts weren't charging for an additional bartender. If there is a bartender there is a $100 cost that had not been previously adhered to. Allegation needs to be reviewed. Joe Cook motioned to accept the allegation review, Bill H. seconded, motion carried.

New Business: none

Donna H. will have knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, therefore Bill H. will be unavailable for approximately 6 weeks.

Betterment of the post


Motion to Adjourn Bill H., seconded by Ron S.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:58 AM