American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook, Service Officer: absent, Finance Officer: absent, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper
Trustees: Paula Abeyta, Ron Szych, Robert Abeyta, Bill Harrington
Members: Garry Branstetter, Phil Merriweather, Donna Harrington, Jay Wilcox,
Guests: Rose Williamson, Zandra LeBech


Meeting called to order at 12:06

Hand salute



OWW Empty Chair

Motion to accept March minutes as read. Kim motioned, Doug seconded apart from the building fund report being incorrect (1st vice and finance officer will work on correcting the report). Minutes accepted.

No guests

The Finance Officer was absent, therefore Ron read the finance report. Doug motioned to approve, and Carl seconded. Finance report was accepted as read. Ron read the membership report as well. We are ranked #10 in the State with 593 members (our quota is 579). We are 102%. We now have 36 SAL members

Chaplain reported that one of our members lost their mom, Mary P. Please keep her family in your Prayers. There is a sympathy card at the bar for everyone to sign

First Vice:

Second Vice:

Housing committee:

Service officer:

Unfinished business:

New business:

Betterment of the post

The committee discussed how to encourage more involvement from SAL. The Commander named Phil as the SAL Commander.

Meeting adjourned at 12:49