American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Executive Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: absent, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook, Service Officer: absent, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper
Trustees: Paula Abeyta, Garry Branstetter, Ron Szych
Members: Bill Jennings, Jim Hay, Robert Abeyta, Bill Harrington, Phil Merriweather, Donna Harrington, Jerry Conclasure, Mike Bates, Pamela Bates
Guest: None


Meeting called to order - 10:01

Hand salute


Prayer - Chaplain

Motion to accept February meeting minutes as read: Bill motioned Ron seconded minutes accepted

Guests: None

Finance Officer read the finance report, we need to track the purchasing of food for the kitchen since we are offering food. Kim motioned to accept the finance report as read, Paula seconded, motion carried

Membership report was read: goal membership is 579 members, we have 531 signed up, need 48 more to renew dues as of February 2024.

Second Vice report:

First Vice report:

Housing committee report:

The game room work is coming along. Joe Cook was able to remove wires and breakers that were not being used. There should only be 5 breakers.

March 23rd at 8:00 am there will be a Saturday breakfast for the Post.

Service Officer report:

Unfinished business:

New business:

For the Good of the Legion:

Closing Prayer: Chaplain

Meeting adjourned at 10:39