American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2024


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald II, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook, Service Officer: absent, Chaplain: absent
Trustees: Paula Abeyta, Garry Branstetter, Ron Szych
Members: Bill Jennings, Jim Hay, Robert Abeyta, Bill Harrington, Phil Merryweather, Jerry Conclasure
Guests: Tom from the Housing Committee, Rose Williamson


Meeting called to order at - 10:02

Hand salute

Prayer: Bill Jennings

Motion to accept January meeting minutes as read: Robert motioned, Doug seconded, all members accepted

Guests: Tom from housing committee

Finance Officer read the finance report, Bill motioned to accept, Doug seconded motion carried

Membership report was read: goal membership is 579 members, we have 502 signed up, need 77 more to renew dues

Second Vice report:

First Vice report:

Service Officer report: Absent

Unfinished business:

New business:

For the Good of the Legion:

Ron presented the Officer Slate the trustees had put together for next year. The Officers serve for one year and the Trustees serve for two years. A nomination may be made at the March meeting for any member of the post who would like to run for an office. April 20th will be the voting (if needed).

Closing Prayer: Bill Jennings

Carl motioned to adjourn and Jim seconded, motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 10:44