American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2023
Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald II,
Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook
Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Garry Branstetter, Ron Szych
Bill Jennings, Jim Hay, Robert Abeyta, JoJo Powers (ALA)
Rose Williamson
Executive meeting was called to order at 10:00
Hand salute
Prayer - Chaplain
Motion to accept meeting minutes from November as posted on the web
was made by Bill and seconded by Paula, motion carried, minutes accepted
Motion made to accept the finance report as read was made by Ron and
seconded by Paula, motion carried, report approved
Membership report read
First Vice:
Sales are increasing in the bar area
Sales are up in the bar, new bartenders are being interviewed,
and ordering is being organized
Motion to raise lead bartender Lisa salary from $10 to $12,
this was discussed at the last meeting and was tabled, Carl
motioned and Donna seconded, motion passed and will begin
next pay period
Motion to increase prices for special event hall rental drinks
by $1.00 and to charge for soda $1.00 (bottomless unless request
is for a can of soda), Paula motioned to accept and Donna seconded
Second Vice:
Ugly sweater karaoke and potluck this evening
Super Bowl party planning has started and the flyer
is being distributed (this will be a pot luck event)
Planning to have a rib cook off in the summer of 2024
Looking into bands who may be willing to play at the Post
Post is closed New Year’s Day, however may be open New Year’s Eve if we can get a DJ (DoubleTap?)
Americanism team - nothing
New Officers:
- Jim Hay: Chair of the Committee
- Robert Abeyta: Judge Advocate
- Mayra Heil: Adjutant
- Bill motioned to accept and Carl seconded, motion carried and new officers are welcomed>
New business:
Ron stated that the Post needs a new roof ASAP. The roof was coated
a few years ago and is failing and leak have 4 quotes, however Honorable
Roofing is Veteran owned and is giving us a discounted price near $50k
with a 10-year warranty and yearly inspection. Vote will be done now;
however, it is pending the meeting on Saturday morning with the contractor
at 10am. Kim motioned and Bill seconded, motion carried. Joe requested
to see the work they are proposing. Jim requested to see the insurance policy
and he will be able to do so. Motion passed. There will be a collection
started to raise money for the new roof costs.
Old drink chips will no longer be accepted in the bar after January 1,
2024. The bar was losing money on the chips. The old chips may be
exchanged or used prior to the 1st.
Warriors serving warriors were guests at the last meeting and were asking
for help to get flags. There is not enough money with the cost of the roof
to support this. ALR has offered to support and donate half for the flags,
however there is not enough money to proceed from Post. This is on hold.
Bylaws & constitution are being updated. Everyone is being asked to read
through them and submit any changes via email to Robert Abeyta at
In January we will review the suggestions. These documents are on the website
and may be downloaded. All updates should be complete by February 2024.
Bingo will be starting up again one day a week in February 2024 (or shortly
thereafter). Kim stated they need three people licensed and the fees will
be paid for this. They need a caller, cashier and an alternate manager.
The bingo winner will get 50% and the Post keeps the other 50%. Kim motioned
and Paula seconded to start up Bingo, motion carried. Gaming will meet with
the post members to set up training for three Saturdays in January.
All Officers and members are encouraged to take Basic training. There are two
colleges, one for Riders (free at Post 99 in February and another in March that
will have a charge $300 in Roswell). First everyone should go online and complete
the basic training in preparation. This is state run not national.
For the Good of the Order - None
Chaplain – Closing Prayer
Joe motioned to adjourn and Jim seconded, motion carried
Meeting adjourned at 10:49