American Legion Post 118 Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Executive Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2023


Officers: Commander: Scott Swanson, First Vice: Douglas Williamson, Second Vice: Carl Fitzgerald II, Chaplain: Kim Schnepper, Sergeant at Arms: Joe Cook
Trustees: Donna Harrington, Paula Abeyta, Garry Branstetter
Members: Joe Gabalnou, Steven Vigil, Amos Carter
Guests: Warriors Serving Warriors (non-profit 100% goes to Veterans)


Executive meeting was called to order at 10:00AM
Sergeant at Arms secured the room
Opening prayer
POW empty chair
Roll call
Pledge of allegiance

The following nominations were brought before the Executive Board:

The financial report was read and Donna motioned to approve the report, Carl seconded, motion passed

Discussion regarding Super Bowl party. Paula, Carl and Donna will organize the event

Motion to hire cleaning crew for 3 months was put forth by Ron and seconded by Kim, motion passed

Ron motioned for the Commanders tab to be approved with Carl seconding the motion, motion passed

The charity account was put to a vote and Ron motioned to approve with Doug seconding the motion, motion passed

A pay raise was presented for the bartenders, this motion will be tabled until the next meeting

The gaming account will be closed and changed to charity account, Kim motioned to approve and Donna seconded, motion passed

Closing Prayer
Meeting adjourned at 10:50AM